3D Chalk Drawing of Mona Lisa Made by my favorite Artist Julian Beever.
Stare steadily at the dot in the heart for 30 seconds, then look at a piece of white paper. A faint Red heart surrounded by a bluish outline should mysteriously appear on the paper.
This is called an aftereffect. Staring at the heart overstimulates your eyes' photoreceptors, which are what absorb the light that stimulates vision. So even after you look away from the image, your brain is still receiving messages about it. What you end up seeing are called complementary colors. Red and blue are complementary colors of green and yellow.
- Al Seckel
When sets of disks with tangential greylevel gradients are arranged in concentric circles (see image above, most observers perceive these disks moving around the centre,. This motion illusion is enhanced for large-scale and bright images and depends to a large extent to dynamic changes in the stimulus such as elicited by involuntary eye movements or blinks – fixating the centre of the pattern does abolish the illusion, whereas scanning the picture the motion sensation. A reliably effective version of this illusion, which does not require eye movements (i.e. persists when observers fixate the target in the centre of the image), can be generated by modulating the background luminance of the array of disks . This stimulus offers the opportunity of studying this motion illusion – the percept of spinning disks in the absence of any physical displacement – in a highly controlled manner in psychophysical and physiological experiments, because it is not depending on involuntary eye movements or eye blinks.
Are these lines straight and parallel?
Use a straight edge to test what you see.
This photograph taken in Bad Langensalza, Germany shows one of many pillars placed around a fountain. The illusion here is that the pillar can either appear to be hollow or to have a pyramid on the top depending on which way you look at it. The shadow on the right gives it away slightly but its still quite convincing.
This is a simple photo of impossible triangles formation. This impossible construction sure looks Escher inspired.
You presume it’s two triangles trapped in an impossible way, but actually it’s only one continuous line if you follow it closely.
Impossible Chair Inspired by M.C. Escher
and Originally from Steve Williams (Pinhead Industries)
Another impressive picture of snakes that seem to rotate, while in fact this is also a steady image.
Spot the person, is it male or female or both are shown in the picture below?
its prove that we can found jesus anywhere in the world.
see the example below you will understand
In the picture below you can see two shadows watering the flower.
but its not a shadow its a painting.
In this illusion you can see a woman punching a man and when you the man hitting by the woman it looks like the man is eating the woman's hand.
A little collection of Impossible Objects and Impossible Illusions By Artist Joe Santana
These two images of the Leaning Tower of Pisa are identical but if you look at them closely you'll notice that the tower on the right appears to be leaning more than the one on the left even though there is no difference between the two. This illusion won the Best Visual Illusion of the Year contest in 2007.
This illusions is simple – all you have to do is see the cat rotate in both directions. At first you may think it’s impossible, but after some practice you’ll soon be able to switch the direction with each round. I’m also interested to hear your comments about the original direction you saw the cat spin at? When I first saw this, it appeared to move clockwise. Now each time I see it – it’s just the opposite (concentrate on it’s tale to switch).
This remarkable perspective illusion was created by artist Felice Varini, the lines drawn on the wall produce the effect of a two-dimensional square and cross that appear to exist in three-dimensional space but only when viewed from one specific angle.
If you walk along this street, you can take a scare with optical illusion created by this fence.
View from the right angle presents a terrifying image of a face.