Aerol E. Catubag created this simple, but effective optical illusion involving colors! As Aerol explains, he discovered the illusion accidentally when trying to make a kaleidoscopic image. The illusion happens when you move your head back and forth. Watch the colors change their size, depending on your actions. For example, the blue box will seem to expand when you move forth, but the exact same box will shrink when you move your eyes further away.
he image below is not animation . Its just confusing our eyes.
Nice 3D Sticker on the Street which creates a illusion of hot coffee :P
which of the surrounding circles labeled 1-8 is the same size as the circle in the middle of the image? Solution will be posted shortly…
At first glance, this picture may look normal but when you will stare a bit more that you might something weird
In a gallery of optical illusions on Facebook, one of the items that gained my attention was this Republic of Palau silver coin. Made by Sandro Del Prete
“For healthy hair growth” – Eu Yan Sang H4H Hair Formula.
(Advertising Agency: DDB Singapore | Creative Director: Terrence Tan | Art Directors: Teoh Sin Eng, Kiah Lim)
Just found this purple head sculpture. You may think it belongs to one of the Blue Man Group members, but you’ll be wrong thinking so. What’s so interesting about these double eyed illusions, is that people have trouble seeing them as they are (intentionally created like this), thus their brains keep trying to focus the picture, as if they’re the ones responsible for such a distortion… Interesting phenomenon, wonder what causes this?